Deaf Dave's family tree

Rose Ancestry (my paternal grandma side)

David's ancestors
Emily Jane Rose 1859-1932
2nd great-grandmother

Muriel E I Goodwin 1888-1953
Daughter of Emily Jane Rose

Daphne Emily Edith Millard 1919-2009
Daughter of Muriel E I Goodwin

Barry Douglas Parker 1940-
Son of Daphne Emily Edith Millard

David Barry Parker
You are the son of Barry Douglas Parker

When Emily Jane Rose was born on 28 April 1859 in Melbourne, Victoria, her father, Hugh, was 24, and her mother, Emily, was 21. She married Gerald Francis Goodwin on 8 February 1882 in Sydney, New South Wales. They had seven children in 13 years. She died on 25 December 1932 at the age of 73, and was buried in Sydney, New South Wales.

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